Blessed be the day that the gluttonous feast us to famine and war blessed are the envious lest we swavel unravel the vein, blessed are the fornicus may we bend down and be their whore. What of the meek? The mourning? And the merciful? All doomed. For the humble and the weak shall perish unto thy sands of time and we be slaves amongst the elite and powerful.

Beautifully penned by Talin (friend of me)


Pretty cool ! I would know, Intuitiveness replica of an unwieldy divine cretin licking lying benign. Lest, you'll never forget ! My humility never existed in the first place(?) I think of it in that way. Why should it, it is a paragraph of a my o my. Why is this a feel of squeal ? MANY TV SHOWS SPEAK SQUEAL HEAL To me. A feel to behold ? Don't if i DO! a Crave i seem to forget ? Fantastical.

Beautifully penned by yours truly. coolkid226


A Chair is piece of furniture with a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for used to seat a single person. Chairs are most often supported by four legs and have a back, though, a chair could have 3 legs or could have a different shape.

As seen in Chair, Wikipedia, 2013.


His is this a forth, forty. First my quilt will wilt. I have (will)(?) felt a feeling of a lean seen fiend in the focus- A Felt Belt Never Felt Welp I Knelt. Would it ! Lent a set of bets as I shed my red fed head. I can never be dead, i am immortal. NOT immoral. Strict codes of conduct 101. Construct a blue bed filled with ballads. Molasses too slow and/or too Low. I am a . right. Melancholy Holy Pholy Sounds. Sense my Fence Whence it gone? Where the fair bear asks for the meer query path for the last laugh(?) I think So ! ! No? Even though we know we were we're in the depths sets of beneather breathers? SURE SURE

Once again, penned by yours truly. coolkid226.


FRIZZLED! o So gladly I Lie! AGreat deal/spiel though this meal(!)To many other may(/june) fal into tand under castrophites. With(OUT) all mine might thy may lie on a feather. thee slither and wither throughout the great spite. spit unto/upon a fine, ocean of continuum, the inoculum of thine whinig bile. A FICKLE LINE that MAy rewrite THis feeling of dealing faulty dealt on checks that contribute to his great Idea that never quite existed in the first place!. Create this state of being.being that of thoughts that lead else-where.